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Saison Dupont 330ml

Stil: Saison             .
Ratebeer ocena:    99.

Alk. stopnja: 6,5%.
Steklenica: 330ml.
Kartonsko pakiranje: 24 steklenic.

Idealna temperatura za uživanje: 12°.

Izvor: Belgijsko pivo.
“Svetlo, nefiltrirano sezonsko ale pivo z osvežujočim sadnim okusom in dolgim, suhim pookusom.“

Sestavinevodaječmenov sladhmeljkvas, sladkor.
Alergeni: gluten.

Minister za zdravje opozarja: Prekomerno uživanje alkohola škoduje zdravju!





2,66 € z DDV

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? Davčna stopnja v: Slovenia.
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Customer Reviews

2 opis poslan (write review)
One of the most representative belgian sasions 5 top izdelki
"Like a straw golden colour with creamy firm head with strewn yeast, which look like cinnamon. Head preserve its form untouched till the end! Small bubbles rises up very fast. Aroma is without any sign of an alcohol. But prevailing esters of grape, lemon, grapefruit, with some floral notes - in short gently fruity notes. Taste is also without notice of an alcohol. Very gentle sweet taste with dry finish. Hop ester have fruity notes of oranges, lemon, even of cherry. You can also detect some floral notes. At the same time you can also detect malt sweetnes of cereal and wheat. Hop bitterness is medium, malt sweetness also and they are really very well balanced. Finish is realy dry and long lasting. Realy good beer, the real belgian sasion." klemen - petek, 10. julij 2015
Saisson Dupont 5 top izdelki
"Ocena:9/44 Izgled: Kar stabilna bela pena, svetlo rumena barva-rahlo bela, čisto, motno Okus: Sveža aroma banane in medu, dokaj grenko, pookus kar grenak in kiselkast in rahlo suh, malo muškatnega oreška, malo karamele na koncu, kar kompleksno Opombe: Lahko pitno, manj karbonizirano, lahkega telesa, kar mehko na jezik, kar nežno" Mico - petek, 27. julij 2012